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The Revolution Is Now! Pluto Enters Aquarius on Nov 19 - New Soul Assignments Begin ~ 2024 Astrology


On November 19th Pluto enters Aquarius for the fourth and final time covering 0 Degrees of Aquarius. So, Pluto stays in Aquarius until 2044.  This movement signifies an initiation period into the plutonic journey through Aquarius.  So last year 2023 and this year we have had Pluto moving back and forth in and out of Aquarius revealing what has come up for you through the Aquarian need's expressions and themes that where you are stepping into more of your individual frequency, your authentic self, and what you are understanding about who you are now as a unique being. 

Pluto in Aquarius can show up in different ways for each of us. In Aquarius it can bring unexpected disruptions, rebellion, revolutions, things happening very quickly. When we talk about Pluto, we are looking at deep transformational energies these are associated with evolutionary growth, permanent changes, permanent endings.  This is where there is a slow metamorphosis that unfolds over a period of time as Pluto wants us to go deep into the energies to see what's under the surface and with this understanding we can see where we're able to then transform them and to move them forward.  The energy also supports mass awakenings, big shifts in communications, information, how we interact with each other and where we're going together on the planet as well as what is separating out what is shattering being dismantled as it no longer fits in our daily lives as well as what we need as we're evolving now on the planet. 

With Pluto moving into Aquarius and staying here we have sampled some of these themes.  For example, we have understood the ways that technology affects us when things are shut down when there are disruptions in global systems and networks.  Pluto brings up what needs to be destroyed and demolished and we're going to continue to see very big shifts in aquarium themes related to the internet, social media networks, bigger computing systems including the cloud storage systems grids, Bluetooth all of these ways that technology interacts and communicates especially as more companies and services integrate Artificial intelligence into what they offer.  A lot of applications run on AI so there's a lot that's already in motion and these energies are going to move fast especially into 2025 and beyond. 

So as Pluto re-enters Aquarius here November 19th completing and closing out the Capricorn themes for good, we now are going to feel some significant frequency shifts and really feeling that we're in new territory.  So you we've been in this energy already since 2023 but now we are fully in it and we're going to really start to see it and sense it in the world around us.  So, look at 0 degrees of Aquarius in your astrology chart for house placement as this will tell you what area of your life is being affected.  This is an initiation degree that brings us into this energy field even more. 

In 2025 Pluto will get to three degrees of Aquarius and that will also be new territory for us to work with so we're entering a whole new era a whole new experience in the cosmos.  We are going to be moving quickly and unexpectedly as Pluto is ruled by Uranus which can bring unexpected surprises.  So its going to be important to stay grounded, practice self care and meditate so we can see things connect and come together in a surprising manner. The energies are going to bring out even more creative solutions,  options we never saw that weren't available and fast moving developments we never thought possible.  This is a new era in human evolution and day to day you might not see it but when you zoom out and you take a look at how much perhaps your life has changed since 2020 it's only going to speed up in what changes and how we accelerate going forward

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